We know that it can be a great luxury and amenity to have a clean swimming pool in your back yard. However, swimming pool cleaning and maintenance can be tedious and can take up lot of time. These are very important tasks that should not be neglected if you do not want to end up facing expensive pool repairs. Even though there are several manual ways of cleaning your pool, a pool sweep is an innovative, very efficient aquatic cleaning system that is designed to help owners save you time and trouble while cleaning their swimming pools.
The Definition of Pool Sweeps
For swimming pool owners who live in area with a lot of trees and high constant wind speeds, it is best to have a pool sweep in order to remove the dirt and debris left in the pool. When we say pool sweeps, these are automated cleaners which are designed to permanently remove debris from the walls and floor of swimming pools. We know that pools collect debris such as hair, bacteria, algae, twigs, leaves, and other dirt.
Some owners make use of automatic sweeps or commonly known as underwater vacuums that moves around the swimming pool on wheels. This device helps pool owners take away trash, leftover foods, and other debris from the swimming pool. Other pool sweeps are designed for above-ground and in-ground swimming pools.
At present, swimming pool owners have been using several types of pool sweeps. Some sweeps we have these days are hand-held and others are fully automated. Hand-held sweeps are inexpensive and perfect for quick clean-up jobs. On the other hand, automated pool sweeps are considered as an efficient, time-saving tool used to get the job done. This tool has a tail or skimmer that "sweeps" across the swimming pool. Usually, this sweep is attached to one of the pool's inlets and uses the pressure from the pool’s flowing water in order to operate the sweep's tail.
Sizes of pool sweeps may vary depending on the types of swimming pools. All-pool sweeps are designed for cleaning public swimming pools. These sweeps do not require draining, drying and vacuuming which are considered as exhausting and time-consuming processes.
When using pool sweeps, owners must be aware of the importance of emptying out and cleaning the basket that collects debris. This will reduce clogging which helps keep the pool sweep working properly. It is best to use swimming pool water cleaning agents after using your pool sweep. In addition, it is recommended that you use the pool sweep four times a week in order to keep a clean and safe swimming pool.
Pool Service Company
Numerous owners have been working with pool service companies that maintain clean and safe San Diego pools from residential to commercial swimming pools. At Eastlake Pool Service, we offer high quality services that help our clients save their time and money. The services we offer are designed to resolve and repair pool problems before they get out of hand. We go the extra mile to help pool owners reduce the need for more expensive pool repairs. In addition, our company is proud to offer eco-friendly pool services in San Diego. For more details about the services we offer, contact Eastlake Pool today.